T.H.E.S.I.S. Homeschool Group is a ministry of
70 Maranatha Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

What does T.H.E.S.I.S. stand for?
Trinity Home Educators Supporting In Service

What is THESIS?
THESIS is a homeschool co-op: a group of approximately 80-90 homeschooling families who work together to provide group educational activities for our children. All parents involved in THESIS are required to serve in the group in some capacity (e.g., by teaching or assisting in a class or by volunteering at a special event). THESIS is a Christian group, and therefore seeks to uphold Christian faith and values. THESIS is open to all home educators interested in this distinct Christian emphasis.

What types of activities does THESIS offer?
Weekly Classes: THESIS holds weekly classes for children from PK-12th grades. We meet for announcements as a group at 12pm. Classes are on Mondays begin at 12:30 to 2:30 pm at Trinity Assembly of God. Children are divided by grade level for (3) 40 minute classes. High school students have two 1 hour class periods. Parent volunteers teach the classes. Most grades have a gym and art class.

Special Events: THESIS hold several special events at Trinity throughout the year.  These events include a back-to-school celebration, Christmas party & Talent Show, Art Show, History and or Science Fair, Field Day and many seasonal activities and other great events.

Field Trips: THESIS also offers field trip opportunities throughout the year. Some are close by, such as NASA IV&V workshops, local banks, grocery stores, botanical gardens and such. We have also done trips further from home, such as visits to the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Bird Aviary, and Washington DC. We aim to offer a variety of opportunities for various age groups.

Moms’ Support: An important goal of THESIS is to support and encourage homeschool moms. This year that will be through various avenues such as our monthly book club that meets once a month, and weekly cafe for moms during class time highlighting the many topics of interest to the homeschooling parent. This will be a place where moms may gather for casual conversation to discuss topics of homeschool interest. This is a great opportunity for learning and fellowship!

Testing Service: THESIS also provides a testing service to assist families in complying with state-mandated annual assessments. The testing service is conducted in affiliation with CHEWV (Christian Home Educators of West Virginia); families must have membership in CHEWV, but not necessarily THESIS, to participate in testing.

What are the costs?
The annual family membership fee is $50. In addition, materials fees may be charged for the specific classes each child will attend. For example, art class materials fees are $10 per child.

What is required from me? 
We ask that you and your family commit to making THESIS a priority. We understand sickness happens and vacations/trips come up. However, we know a successful co-op is run by the consistent faithfulness of our wonderful volunteers. We do keep weekly attendance.  We also ask that you volunteer to either teach in one class  or assist in two of the weekly class periods. We do all we can to help provide the necessary tools and funds to make your class a success. In addition to weekly classes we do host multiple family friendly events during the year. We ask that you volunteer to help out with at least one of these events.

Who do I contact with questions?
THESIS is administered by the following board of volunteers. For more detail, please see the document entitled “THESIS Homeschool Co-Op: Administrators and Responsibilities”.
THESIS Director/Administrative Lead: Lorrie Young (youngrn4him@gmail.com)
TRINITY Liason: Heather Sprenger (hdasprenger@gmail.com)
                             Kathy Ervin (gotothelight@valorfam.com)
Membership Coordinator: Brittany Retton (thesismembership@gmail.com)
Treasury Secretary: Brittany McDonald (thesismoneylady@gmail.com)
Class Coordinator: Leighanne Webb (webbhollow@frontier.com)
Field Trip Coordinator: Brandi Smith (thesisfieldtrips@gmail.com)
                                        Marcia Pratt (thesisfieldtrips@gmail.com)
Special Events Coordinator: Erica Raulston (ericaraulston@gmail.com)
Hospitality & Graphics Coordinator: Kristin Boone (kristinbboone@gmail.com)
CHEWV Test Center Coordinator: Natashia Priestley natashia.priestley@gmail.com