Meet Your Leaders: Allison is our Membership and Treasury Secretary
Name? Allison
Children? Seth 12, Hadley 10, Ruthie 8
Favorite childhood memory? Our church had a really large picnic every 4th of July. We had field day games, songs, and lots of food. This was all started with a parade from our church parking lot to the local park where the picnic was held. Everyone would decorate their cars with flags, stars and streamers. My Mom is super creative and won the car decorating contest EVERY year. As I grew up the designs became more elaborate and even involved my own car, once I could drive. One year she turned our rectangular mini-van into a picnic basket and my little black car was turn a fly that was chasing the basket and towed behind the fly was a little tikes car with a large stuffed bear holding a fly swatter. Great memories! I loved helping her and was very proud of holding that title every year.
What is one accomplishment you are proud of that occurred before marriage/children? This was a hard one but I finally settled on the fact that I am proud of my performance in school. I had worked very hard and received good grades. I, however, have to laugh because I don't know what my GPA was or what the term was I earned when I graduated.
How did you make decision to homeschool?
There were many reasons for ultimately choosing to homeschool, however this is what even brought the thought to our family's attention. My husband does not work a traditional 8-5 job and isn't off on weekends. When the kids were young that was not a problem. We enjoyed weekend things on his two days off Monday and Tuesday and enjoyed breakfast and lunch together when he was home. When Seth went to public school kindergarten our family was split into two schedules, non-traditional work and school, and their schedules barely crossed. We didn't like that and started looking at what other options we had. We decided to try homeschooling Seth for first grade and see how it went. That was 6 years ago and we are so grateful that we did.
Favorite subject in school growing up? Math, Physics, Genetics
Favorite subject to teach now? Math is the easiest for me to teach but I am enjoying actually learning my history
Favorite quality in a friend? I love a friend that I can sit down and talk with like we chatted yesterday even if life has gotten in the way and it's been quite a while since we last talked.
Favorite chore? Yuck none! Laundry is the one I am least likely to let go so maybe that would be my favorite.
Least favorite chore? Cleaning my floors, because in a short 2 hours you can't even tell they were done.
Favorite parenting resource? My mother in law. She successfully raised 6 amazing children and is a wonderful wealth of knowledge
Knowing what you know now, what is your best tip for other homeschooling moms? Don't let all the curriculum's overwhelm you. Pick one go with it and adjust next year if you need to.
If you had an extra hour in your day how would you spend it?
Ruthie got a ukulele for her 8th birthday and I am really enjoying learning along with her and Hadley but can't seem to find time to practice. So I would practice playing the ukulele.
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