a THESIS Mom: Miranda is our Special Events Coordinator
Name? Miranda
Name? David
Ages? Kaylie (9)
childhood memory? Holidays with my family. Didn't matter which holiday; there was always a house full of people, food and love. I was so blessed to have that in my childhood.
is one accomplishment you are proud of that occurred before marriage/children?
It seems like a lifetime ago...but I was a competitive figure skater. It was a wonderful experience and the training taught me a lot more than just how to preform on the ice.
did you make decision to homeschool? We chose homeschooling for many reasons. But long story short; I was homeschooled in high school, and I knew it was an awesome experience for the whole family!
subject in school growing up? Reading
subject to teach now? History
chore? None
favorite chore? Dishes and laundry. No matter how or when I empty the sink or laundry baskets--they fill right back up!
parenting resource? For tips and tricks, I look to family and friends. But for general over all how to's on raising kids in this world all I can do is pray and listen.
what you know now, what is your best tip for other homeschooling moms?
When I was young we sang a song in kids church called, "Where God guides, he provides." It was a catchy tune, and I still remember it to this day. but mostly I remember the title and when I have a rough day with lessons or I realize that someday I am going to have to teach Algebra...I say that song over and over to myself. Where God Guides, He Provides. Hopefully, it is a declaration that can help you when you begin to wonder why you thought you could homeschool your kids!
you had an extra hour in your day how would you spend it?
I would go to Disney World! Of course!
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