Sunday, July 21, 2019

summer recharge

Summer is a great time to refuel, both for homeschooling mommas, and for our kiddos too. I don't know about you, but I have really enjoyed extra time to clean out a closet, sip lemonade on the porch with a friend, bake cookies with my daughter, play tennis with my son, golf with my dad, and even take a nap in the hammock! We've had friends over for cookouts, smores and yardgames; we've gone on little weekend getaways, and we've simply enjoyed a less structured time of rest. Around here we don't talk about school until August, and we try to keep our heads down as we pass by school supply sections at WAL-MART! 

One of the things I've really enjoyed this summer is our THESIS moms' book club. Here's the book we've been studying. It's been such an encouragement to my soul to discuss, learn, encourage and be encouraged by other moms on this homeschooling journey! Both moms coming into the journey, and others who have traveled this road for some time.

Last month we were sharing things we have learned--and I shared that if I could start all over again--not only in homeschooling but parenting--I would have focused on being more intentional in my marriage--to make dating my husband a priority, to spend more special time(away from the kids), and to make plans for weekend getaways. Thankfully my husband and I have weathered the storm of a decade of homeschooling and 16 years of marriage well and have our own "at home" version of weekly dates with popcorn and diet coke dates on the couch, but still we agree--investing both time and money into our marriage is of great value! Over the last 5 years we have seen many of our good friends struggle mightily in marriage. For some it was the BIG things, but for many it was just little things over time.

I was encouraged by this post to remember it isn't the big obvious things that seek to destroy our marriages, but the 'little foxes'. So let's all take some time this summer to be intentionally investing in, and loving our spouses. Here's a cute idea! Date in a box! A date night in a box for those who lack creative fun ideas or childcare options! They even have a faith option where they will add faith discussion questions to your box!

If you're looking for homeschool encouragement for the coming year--whether you are new to homeschooling or could use a kick in the pants for new ideas/passion and motivation--this is the best $20 I've ever spent. It's like going to an amazing homeschooling conference all summer long as you have time to listen! Here's the link to the website, and you can choose from many difference conferences. I've actually just finished the parenting conference after months of great listening, but there are other great options too!

After buying a new car in the spring, expensive vacations weren't going to be an option this summer for us! So instead we decided to make the most of good old fashioned WV  state fun. We joined the WV STATE PARKS VIPP program. See link here. It's a great way to see your state parks that you might not have actually visited, while accomplishing a goal and checking a list--for those of you like me who love lists! You can also sign up for the hiking club which has been equally fun for our family! While hiking at Dolly Sods last weekend, we noticed all the out of state cars parked by the road. How funny we thought that so many out of state visitors come to vacation here, when our WV natives travel across the country to hike elsewhere. A good reminder to be content and seek out the pleasures and special little restaurants, events and activities in our own state. Check out this awesome magazine loaded with ideas!

We'd love to hear from you! How do you refuel? What fun have you been having? What are your favorite date night spots? How do you invest in marriage? Recharge your homeschool batteries?

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